Sunday, August 3, 2014

I made it to Orlando!

Arizona to Florida, 2,200 miles later, I made it to Orlando! 
My step dad generously offered to come with me and it was quite the interesting road trip, a few bumps in the road, but I am glad to say we arrived safely! 

 From Arizona to New Mexico...
 From New Mexico to Texas...

We made a little stop to go to six flags! Super fun. 
 We also went to the River Walk in San Antonio and had dinner! It was really great! 

 Then we headed to Louisiana...

 Louisiana had a whole lot of bridges!! 

From Louisiana to Mississippi...
 From Mississippi to Alabama...
 From Alabama to...





We finally made it, many hours later, and we are so happy! We have been exploring the area and have been experiencing the hot and humid weather! 
Today we went to lunch and bought a few items that I needed for my move in tomorrow! Tonight, a few of my roommates and I are going to meet up for dinner. I am excited to meet them in person.

So, tomorrow is check in and I am going to try to get there early! I am so excited and nervous to see what is in store. EEEEEP!

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