Tuesday, July 29, 2014

6 days till check in!

Woah. I can't believe I head to Florida on Wednesday. I still have so much to do! I've barely started packing and still have a few things I need to buy. The problem is, I'm still on Kenya time. BTW, Kenya was absolutely amazing. I did not expect to LOVE it as much as it did. I'm so grateful for the experience and already want to be back there. I learned so much about what it means to fully trust the Lord. I had to step out of my comfort zone and share the love of God. Unless you have been there, I can't say much in order to give you the full effect of how awesome it was. No picture or description can portray the experiences I had there or the things I witnessed. All I can say is, I intended to teach others about Jesus, but in reality I was constantly learning from them. The people there taught me what faith in God looks like. These people have nothing, but continually praise the Lord for his faithfulness. This trip taught me more than I ever expected it could.

I returned home on July 23rd and I have been going non-stop ever since. My sleep schedule was messed up for a few days because of jet lag, but I am more on track now. There is so much on my to-do list and it seems to be getting longer as my check in date is approaching. As of right now, I filled out my New Hire Paperwork and have pre-registered on DORMS. The New Hire Paperwork is something many people were super excited to get an email about, but in reality its pretty boring and tedious. The New Hire Paperwork consisted of a lot of reading. Next, we received emails about DORMS and how to pre-register. This was a pretty easy task and my hopeful roommates and I were all able to link to one another. Everything feels real now. I still cannot believe that I hit the road on Wednesday morning. I think I am equally excited as I am nervous, but I also feel completely blessed to be embarking on this new adventure.

So, from now until Wednesday morning I will be packing and running errands to buy some last minute things!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


I cannot believe how fast my summer had flown by. Last week I went to California which was a nice getaway and a great break from work. I have now gone to California three times this summer. I love it so much. The weather was beautiful and I even got a nice little tan. I mean, I am not that tan, but I have more color than usual! With only 26 days till check in, my nerves are at an all time high. Most nights I lay awake at night, my thoughts racing. I am so excited for this new chapter in my life, but the ting is, I have never been away from my home and my family. This experience is going to be a HUGE change and I don't think anything I do will ever prepare me for it.

Now you know I am horrible with change and can easily become a nervous wreck! So, moving on...
I have not started packing yet. I have put aside a few things I know I want to take, but other than that, I have a lot to do!

I have found all of my roomies! I am pretty happy about the fact that I have talked to each of them and have gotten to know them pretty well! I think that things will work out great for all of us. Each of them is so sweet and I am excited to meet them all in person. Approximately 10 days before arrival, all program participants will receive an email with information about accessing DORMS (Disney Onsite Resident Management System), the new housing pre-registration site. Within this site, participants will be able to indicate preferences for Apartment complex, unit size, and the names of their roommates.

Right now, I am focusing on the mission trip I am going on. I leave Friday the 11th for Kenya and do not return until the 23rd. I have never gone on a mission trip, nor have I ever flown across seas. I am not a huge fan of flying, and one of my flights is over 15 hours. So fun. Other than that very long flight, I am so excited for this opportunity to share the Lord's love! Woohoo. I am stoked to see what the Lord has in store for my team and I in Africa! I will definitely post pictures and my experiences from over there when I return to the United States.

Until next time, Bye!